Meditation – “Without the belief in the Resurrection the Christian faith could not have come into being. The disciples would have remained crushed and defeated men. Even had they continued to remember Jesus as their beloved teacher, His crucifixion would have forever silenced any hopes of His being the Messiah. The cross would have remained the sad and shameful end of His career. The origin of Christianity therefore hinges on the belief of the early disciples that God had raised Jesus from the dead.
– William Craig
Call to Worship
Preparing for Worship
Children’s Message
Singing Praise
We Believe
O Praise the Name (Anastasis)
Hymn of Heaven
Scripture – 1 Corinthians 15:12-28
Message – Resurrection, Part II
Praying for and with each other
Hymn – Christ Arose - 273
A covered dish luncheon, today, October 19. Please join us for food and fellowship.
Pumpkin Painting Fundraiser for hurricane relief, sponsored by the YF. Saturday, October 26 from 2-4pm. $10 per pumpkin. All supplies provided. All ages are welcome.
Snacks and beverages provided. Parents, please stay with children under 13. Come ready to have fun!
Please plan to join us at Jersey Oaks on December 7 for an all-church retreat. More details to follow.
We will be collecting for Christmas Gift Cards again this year. If you wish to contribute, please designate your gift through the Treasurer or give directly to the Pastor. Last
date for these gifts is December 14.
Upcoming Events:
10/20: Christian Ed – 9am
10/26: Pumpkin Painting Fundraiser – 2-4pm
12/7: Church Retreat @ Jersey Oaks
Women are invited to a study of the book of Ephesians. The next session will be October 24, 7pm, at Joanne’s. The Seventh Day Baptist Scripture Memorization program
for 2024-2024 is now underway. Passages were selected based on the theme “Shouldn’t it be Obvious?” Flyers are available on the bulletin boards, if you are interested in
Anyone interested in singing in the Shiloh Christmas Cantata is invited to rehearsals Friday nights from 7:40-8:40pm. The cantata will be presented on December 21 at
4:30pm. If you have questions, contact Pastor Don or Charlotte Chroniger.