Meditation – “You will keep the mind that is dependent on you in perfect peace, for it is trusting in you.” – Isaiah 26:3
Call to Worship
Preparing for Worship
Singing Praise
My Lighthouse
Even So Come
Children’s Message
Scripture – Luke 1:68-79
Hymn – It Came upon the Midnight Clear - 188
Message – Peace
Praying for and with each other
Hymn – Good Christian Men, Rejoice – 183
Please plan to join us at Jersey Oaks on December 7 for an all-church retreat as we consider church leadership. Sign-up sheets for Soup and desserts are on the bulletin boards.
Schedule: 8am – Breakfast
9am – Worship
10am – Session 1
11:30 – Lunch
1pm – Session 2
2:30pm – Break – Activity
3:30pm – Session 3
5pm – Dinner
6pm – Campfire
Men are invited to at Bible study time on Monday evenings, 6:30pm at Tom’s house, starting December 9.
Women are invited to a study of the book of Ephesians. The next session will be December 12, 7pm, at Joanne’s.
We will be collecting for Christmas Gift Cards again this year. If you wish to contribute, please designate your gift through the Treasurer or give directly to the Pastor. Last
date for these gifts is December 14.
Upcoming Events:
11/30: Second Sabbath in Advent
12:1: Church Decorating – 8am - Noon
12/7: Church Retreat @ Jersey Oaks
12/18 AWANA Christmas Party
The structure of the Nursery offered during Worship has changed. After the Children’s Message, the Preschool and Kindergarten Sabbath School class will have their lesson in
Classroom 1. When the service is finished, the kids will be released to their parents for snack time in the Fellowship room. During the regular Sabbath School time, the youngest kids will have supervised play time. If you have any questions about the new format, please see Kim.
Winter Virtual Delegate Forum (WVDF) – Jan 5, 2025 - 2pm. Registration is now open. Action to be taken on the proposed Conference budget for 2025, along with updates
from General Council, the Conference Directors and the Conference President. Please register by December 31.
The Seventh Day Baptist Scripture Memorization program for 2024-2024 is now underway. Passages were selected based on the theme “Shouldn’t it be Obvious?” Flyers are available on the bulletin boards, if you are interested in participating.