Call to Worship
Prayer of Invocation
Preparing Our Hearts for Worship
Songs of Praise:
In Christ Alone
Holy Spirit
I Exalt Thee
Children’s Message
Hymn of Preparation #34 O Lord, You’re Beautiful
Scriptures Isaiah 52:7-12
Sermon The Gospel of Isaiah
Pastor Jamie Bagley
Closing Hymn #364 Send the Light
Welcome! Children’s Church is available in Classroom 1 after the children’s message.
After church, please visit together in the fellowship hall, followed by Sabbath School classes for all ages.
Our services are live-streamed and are also recorded and available online. We can mute the audio during the prayer time if you would prefer, just let us know.
2/9 YF Sub Sale 3-5
2/10 Men’s Bible Study – 6:30 pm @ Tom‘s
2/11 Women’s Bible Study – 7 pm @ Joanne’s
2/12 Awana – 5:45 pm
2/13 Youth Fellowship – 6-9 pm
2/15 Church Social
Don’t forget that next Sabbath night, February 15, is our next social time. Everyone is invited. Dinner at 6 pm, potluck. Bring games to play, or don’t. Either way, come out to have fun and be sociable. It doesn’t hurt. Honest.
The West District Basketball League is having an event tonight at CRHS from 6-9 pm. Come for basketball (grades 6-12), volleyball (all ages) and fun. Contact Bill Probasco with questions.
Remember to pick up your subs tomorrow from 3-5 pm.
You are invited to be part of an Easter Cantata Choir. Shiloh is presenting “Alleluia” by Bill and Gloria Gaither on Sabbath, April 12, 4:30 pm. Rehearsals are Thursdays from 7-8 pm and Fridays from 7:35-8:30 pm.